It's been a little while since my last post, but now that I'm back from Philadelphia, Seattle, and Costa Rica, I have a little more than a month until my next trip. More on my trips later. It's a lot of traveling, but so worth it.
I went to the launch of Allison Fine's book MATTERNESS. Mind blown. Here are a few of my takeaways from the event.
- Matterness is reversing the traditional notion of leadership, where the leader was the most important person, and replacing it with a new definition where the focus is on making other people matter.
- Even though networks are largely powered by social media, nothing is going to change entirely online, it needs to happen on land.
- We spend too much time thinking about "what could go wrong?" This is a fear-based culture.
- Call to action: making the world better means making the people in it better. PARTICIPATE. Don't think about "they" or outsourcing it.
- We need organizations. They just need to be better. Volunteer-led networks need someone paid.
- #givingtuesday: What can make the most people inspired to share their cause? Empower people in the network rather than empowering yourself.
- What people are most scared of doesn't actually exist.
- People shared why they were there and the stories changed the work.
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