I'm not going to lie, I've read way too many articles about super successful entrepreneurs and CEOs waking up at 5am, working out, and checking all their emails before they head out the door.
People have asked me whether I'm a morning or a night person. To be honest, I'm not sure. When I was in banking, I was a night person. Recruiting, I was more of a morning person. Then I was waking up at 3am for the newsroom... and then taking on the graveyard shift from 11pm-7am for a bit as a segment producer/writer.
I thought I'd share my current "morning routine."
7:30am - first alarm goes off, snooze.
8:00am - second alarm goes off, snooze.
8:20am - third alarm goes off, skim emails, read theSkimm, post on Instagram, and get out of bed.
8:30am - brush my teeth and think about what I'm excited about for the day, hop in the shower.
9:00am - blow dry hair, get dressed, put on makeup.
9:20am - hopefully out the door and ready for my walk to work.
10:00am - in the office, make myself oatmeal to start the day.
To be honest, this is a "routine" for an ideal morning. The snoozing exercise normally goes on for a little bit longer. What about you? What do you do in the morning?
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